Maggie is Margaret Alaina Williams - a bright, funny,
charming 3-year-old who loves to sing, dance and play! Her
mom, Beth, is a huge Rod Stewart fan, so when Maggie was
delivered, Beth's mother and sisters sang "Maggie May."
Although, Margaret was named after Beth's grandmother
Margaret and Rick's parents (Al and Elaine), it was the
nickname Maggie May that stuck.
Maggie is your typical 3-year-old. She attends preschool at
Creative Children's Center where she loves to paint, draw,
play dress-up and sing and dance at circle-time. She likes
to read books, have tea parties, dress up like a princess
and play with her baby sister when she's at home. A total
"ham," she will pose for any size, shape or type of camera.
Maggie's always runs around with a smile on her face.